โšซBlast Bidding


Requirements for Blast bidding

In order to create and run Base Bidding task each User will need the Butler Basic Access (Subscription or Lifetime NFT) as well as the PRO Access on top.

Further you're wallet needs to hold WETH on Blast L2 chain.

How does Blast bidding work?

Bidding on Blast Collections via OpenSea is pretty much the same as Bidding on Ethereum Collection. However there are still a few points to note which will also very likely change soon:

  • Wallets will not show Blast ETH / WETH balances since Infura (our RPC Provider) is not yet offering Blast RPC servers to check onchain data such as Wallet balances.

  • While bidding the tasks cannot check how much funds are available in your bidding wallet. Therefore it will always try to bid what is configured and bids will fail if not enough funds are available.

All other Features are supported same as on Ethereum Collections:

  • Adding collections to Search engine

  • Instant Counter Bidding

  • Collection Trait Offer Tasks

  • Token bidding Tasks / Manual bidding tasks

  • Wallet Overview / Flips / Notifications and Iventory

  • Security Features

Convert ETH / WETH to Blast

In order to be able to bid with WETH on Blast you'll have to birdge some of your WETH to the Layer 2 Blast Blockchain.

  • And last step: do at least 1 manual bid on an OpenSea Blast collection to make sure all necessary contracts are approved for bidding automation.

Infura does currently not support Blast L2 Chain via their free RPC servers. This is why Butler will not show your Blast ETH / WETH Balance on the Dashboard or Wallets Overview.

Also Tasks will not be able to check in advance how much WETH is available in your Wallet. Butler will simply fire your bids and if your balance is not high enough the Bid will be rejected.

Create Search Engine Task

If you don't find your favorite Blast collection on the Butler search engine, feel free to add it with the Button on top of the search engine.

With the Blockchain Filtering option you can filter the collections based on Blockchain as shown below.

The above screenshot shows available Blast collections filtered by Blockchain on the left. The highlighted buttons will provide the following features:

  • 1st Button "Show all Traits": Drilldown into the Traits view of the collection to create trait based bidding tasks

  • 2nd Button "Check Collection Stats": Will provide a collection floor price graph for OpenSea and Blur (up to 2 months) as well as top Collection Bids and the last Sales events.

  • 3rd Button "Create Collection CTO": With this button you can create a Collection Bidding Task

  • 4th Button "Create Token Task": Here you can create a Token Bidding Task

Create Manual bidding Task

Blast bidding tasks need to be created as Manual Task for now. Head to the Token Task page and hit the "Create Manual Task" Button:

Marketplace & Blockchain

With the required PRO Access you can choose the target Blockchain to "Blast" with OpenSea as the Marketplace (Blur does only support CTOs):

  • Now to create your first Blast Bidding Task you'll basically have to copy & past the Link of the Blast Collection in Butler and fill the "Token IDs range" field with a list of Token IDs you'd like to bid on

  • To support finding all Token IDs of a specific Trait we have two very usefull Community Bot features availbe for Members in our Discord: /traits /tokenscan

Dashboard & Wallt Details

  • Blast Bidding Tasks will be part of the Live Bidding Activity Feed on the Dashboard Overview

  • Target link will link to OpenSea or Blur depending on the marketplace

  • However the wallet percentage for the WETH limits are not taking Blast bids into account (as they are not processed on Ethereum L1)

  • Wallet Details will show active bids on Blast very similar though...

Infura does currently not support Blast L2 Chain via their free RPC servers. This is why Butler will not show your Blast ETH / WETH Balance on the Dashboard or Wallet Details here.

Also Tasks will not be able to check in advance how much WETH is available in your Wallet. Butler will simply fire your bids and if your balance is not high enough the bids will be rejected.

Last updated