
/add will add a collection to the Butler backend and search engine

/addcan be used in the Community-Bot channel:


The following requirements must be met to add a collection. This is primarily a security feature aimed at preventing the addition of low-quality collections to the backend. However, if you wish to add a collection that falls below these limits, please create a ticket in Discord.

PRO Member have the following reuqirements to add a collection:

- The collection features a maximum of 100'000 assets
- Total volume is at least 5 ETH.
- Total sales consist of at least 5 sales.

Subscription or Lifetime member have the following requirements to add a collection:

- The collection features a maximum of 100'000 assets
- The collection floor price is at least 0.02 ETH.
- Total volume is at least 20 ETH.
- Total sales consist of at least 20.
- There have been at least 5 sales in the last 30 days.

Required Parameters

  • collectionslug Collection slug from opensea to add the collection

Optional Parameters

  • smartcontract Smart Contract Address which was used for this Art block collection (or any other collection with a shared smart contract)


You will get a immediate response from the bot if it was successfull to add the collection.

Here is an example response (the collection was already added):

Last updated