Magic Eden Collection Bidding
Base subscription or lifetime access
Active PRO Member subscription is required in order to run Magic Eden Bidding tasks
Requirements for Diamonds Farming
The following tips & tricks will help you to maximize your Diamonds Farming with Collection Offer tasks on ETH Collections. However rewards from Collection Bidding are much lower as when Buying / Selling / Listing NFTs. The best results will be generated if you're doing real bidding and Flipping on your Favorite collection.
Magic Eden distributes a fixed amount of Diamonds every Day depending on the total User interactions. This means rewards can vary on a daily base depending on the overall activity.
Official Inormation from Magic Eden (worth to read!):
Diamonds can be earned from Top 100 Collection based on daily volume:
The closer your offers are to the Collection Floor Price the more Diamonds they will earn (and the more likely the offers are getting to be accepeted). So choose your targets wisely.
Offers staying in the top 100 Offers should be eligable to earn at least fractions of Diamonds
Increase your Diamond accumulation by making offers on trending collections.
Search for Magic Eden collections
The Butler search engine can be used to find collections hosted on Magic Eden exclusivly.
Create Magic Eden CTO Task
Magic Eden Collection Bidding Tasks can be create for collection hosted exclusivly on ME or collections hosted on other market places too.
Magic Eden does support Collection bids and Trait based Collection bids on Ethereum. If you want to create a Trait based colleciton bidding task please use the first button on the collectioin to drilldown into the Trait view as shown below. does only support Collection Bidding Tasks and not Trait based Collection bids.
From the search engine you can create a Collection Bidding task directly on the collection itself for all it's assets. CTOs will send single bids which can then be accepeted by all NFT Holders of the given Collection.
And with the first button on each collection you can drilldown into it's trait view to created trait based collection bidding tasks.
Once you're creating a Collection Task you'll be able to choose if the Task should be running on OpenSea or MagicEden
If a collection is available on MagicEden only, only one selection is possible. Same for collections hosted on OpenSea exclusively
For all the Collection task configuration options please refer to Collection / Trait Bidding
Running Magic Eden Bidding Tasks
Magic Eden Bidding tasks can be found on the CTO page and are marked with a small market place icon next to the collection avatar image.
Up to 200 CTOs can be created per Butler instance and up to 100 can be run if you are using "NFTButler*" as Username on OpenSea for your ETH Wallets added to Butler.
Your CTOs will be cycled (always two at the time) one after each other. You can check the order by Sorting your CTO page "By Execution Order"
Also there is a Setting in Butler which let's you control how quickly CTOs should be processed again once they finished a cycle (immediate restart would be setting it to "0 mins"):
Also make sure to process at least 1 manual collection bid from new Wallets on Magic Eden to approve all the required contracts.
To approve your WETH spending limit please process a manual ETH bid from your wallet before running Bidding tasks on Magic Eden. Otherwise an error message will be highlighted
Dashboard & Wallt Details
Magic Eden Bidding Tasks will be part of the Live Bidding Activity Feed on the Dashboard Overview
Also the "Target" link will link to Magic Eden if the bid was coming from a Magic Eden bid
However the wallet percentage for the WETH limits are not taking ME bids into account (as they are not processed on OpenSea)
Wallet Details will show active bids on Magic Eden seperatly on the bottom of the list
Last updated