Auto Listing Engine
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The Autolisting Engine offers detailed insights into listing tasks, their progress, and the current state of your inventory across all supported marketplaces.
All users have the ability to create and run Auto Listing Tasks on OpenSea with a 0.5% listing fee. PRO Members receive expanded access, allowing them to create Auto Listing tasks on Magic Eden, and Blur on top. Further it will enhance Trait floor price undercutting on OpenSea by fetching live Trait listing data.
Supported Blockchains:
Bitcoin (Ordinals)
In this section, you can view a live feed of currently processed listing tasks and their statuses. Clicking the 'View Logs' button will provide additional details about each listing job.
On the Dashboard, we provide various statistics about the Listing Engine:
The graph displays the listing events processed over time. Each listing task maintains a history of the last 20 listing states.
Below the graph, a brief overview shows how many assets are listed on each marketplace.
The final row offers further insights into the listed/unlisted assets, their listing values, and whether any tasks are encountering errors.
The Assets Overview is divided into two sections, located in the top right corner: Listings and Storage.
The Listings section displays assets associated with at least one listing task, while the Storage section includes all other assets in your Butler wallets. When you create a listing task for an asset, it is moved to the Listings section.
Each asset is represented in three rows, corresponding to the supported marketplaces. Each row indicates whether the asset is listed on that marketplace, displays the current listing price, and includes a control panel with four buttons:
The first button starts or pauses individual listing tasks.
The second button opens the Listing Task modal, allowing you to create or edit a listing task.
The third button can be used to delete a listing task.
The fourth button provides further insights into the logs of this listing task.
PRO Access will unlock the options to create Listing Tasks on Magic Eden and Blur.
It will also unlock accurate Trait FP undercutting on OpenSea through live fetching of Trait listings
When listings are currently the lowest listings (undercutting Collection, Trait or Token FP) the "Listing" tag will be green and orange otherwise.