โ›ตOS API Keys (not req.)

It is NOT required to add your own API keys to NFT Butler - it's possible, and it takes away pressure from our backend, but it does not give the user any further benefits.

Using your own OS API Keys

You can add your own OS API Keys in Settings -> OPENSEA API KEY (legacy)

  • You can use your own OpenSea API Key(s) as a strong and independent Butler User.

  • You add up to 6 OpenSea API Keys to Butler. Each Key will run two token bidding tasks from your own keys.

  • Please ensure to only create 1 OS API Key per OS Account (otherwise your Butler is very likely to run into Rate Limits since multiple API Keys share their Rate Limits from the same Account).

  • If you don't have any OS API keys you can still run Butler from our Backend API Keys

Last updated